The perfect Valentine? Love notes and chocolate, of course!

For the past couple of weeks, love has been in the air at our house. I’ve been taping various love notes and the kids’ Valentine’s cards to our kitchen cabinet.

Valentine's Day love notes

Valentine’s Day love notes

Look, I even got a lovebug yesterday!

Valentine lovebug

Valentine lovebug

I surprised my kids by leaving them Valentine’s cards and chocolate on the kitchen table to discover this morning. I didn’t want to ignite any sibling rivalry so I made them exactly the same cards and gave them exactly the same chocolate.

My Valentine's cards to my boys

My Valentine’s cards to my boys

Apparently they were very excited by my choice of chocolate and both ran upstairs after they saw it to say, “Thank you for the chocolate, Mama!” Gosh, I hope they share some of it…

Toblerone chocolate for Valentine's Day

Toblerone chocolate for Valentine’s Day

Finally, I posted the photo below on my photography website but I thought I’d share it here too. Whether you have someone special to celebrate Valentine’s Day or not, there’s always an opportunity to feel grateful for the people dear to you.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Marcel Proust quote - be grateful

Marcel Proust quote – be grateful

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy. They are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ~ Marcel Proust

23 responses to “The perfect Valentine? Love notes and chocolate, of course!

  1. It’s been a long time since my sons gave me a Valentine’s Day card. But that’s okay. I stopped giving them Valentine’s gifts a few years ago. :)

    But now I want a Toblerone. Haven’t had one in a long time. Yum.

  2. Catherine Johnson

    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  3. Oh my! Those Toblerone make me jealous. Happy Valentines. Your boys (and you) are great. Love your notes to each other.

  4. What a loving mama you are!
    The cards are just lovely as is your photo
    Happy Valentine’s Day! :-)

  5. This is the sweetest post . . . love it.

  6. A sweet post, in more ways than one :)

  7. What? No beer contest? Oh, that is right. They are too young.

  8. Pingback: WordPress weekly photo challenge: Kiss | Perfecting motherhood

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