About Me

WARNING! You need to have a good sense of humor to enjoy this blog. Even though I get to discuss some serious issues, I like to use a grain of salt in my approach. So please, don’t get offended and take this too seriously! As parents, we all need a good laugh every day, and that’s the purpose of this exercise.

As of the end of 2010, I’ve started my own business as a marketing consultant and copywriter, while taking care of two young boys, who keep me quite busy. Now being over 40 (sigh…), I’ve been around for a while, as a parent and a worker. I’ve enjoyed a career in marketing communications for almost 15 years, mostly working for high-tech companies. I’ve experienced the good, the bad and the ugly of the corporate world, and there never is a dull moment.

The same can be said about life at home, where my kids can always sense when I’ve been having a good day or a bad one. Somehow they always manage to make it better or worse, even when I think it’s not possible…

After living and breathing motherhood for the past four years, I love to continue chasing the illusion that I can perfect my motherhood state. It delivers a reality check almost every day! My biggest challenge these days is discipline, and how to channel my boys’ abundant energy, without allowing them to hurt themselves or others…

We live in the San Diego area, probably one of the best places in the US to live with little kids. Between the San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, SeaWorld, Legoland, the beach, the mountains, the desert, etc, we never run out of things to do on the weekends.

I hope you enjoy this blog and can share some of your experiences as a parent. We’re a family of bookworms, so I’ll be sharing a lot of treasured readings for the little ones, as well as the grown-ups.

Happy reading!

An imperfect mom

January 2011 update: for all of 2011, I’ll be testing the daily cow theory, so see if it’s really true that we see cows every day. Check out my blog at “Every day I see a cow”, updated daily. It was recently showcased by WordPress as one of the “10 theme blogs that rock” in 2011. Pretty neat!

Disclaimer: I get a small commission when you click on the Amazon links on this site and place orders. I’m not here to make a fortune and I use the small revenue to help pay for the hosting of a couple of professional websites I also own.

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Feel free to provide your feedback on my blog and suggest any topics you’d like me to cover in future posts.

Thanks for reading!

16 responses to “About Me

  1. Great blog. A friend of mine sent your blog to me…… Will be reading it for sure!
    I for one am glad to see pro breastfeeding posts here! THANKS for that!

    • You’re welcome! I’m always amazed when I hear strong reactions against breastfeeding mothers, almost demonizing the fact that we’re just following the natural trend. It’s up to every mother to decide what’s best for her baby, but let’s not make nursing such a bad thing sometimes!

  2. I just found your site and think it has some valuable information. I just learned that my BOB double stoller was recalled!

    • Thanks for stopping by. You wouldn’t believe how many products and food is being recalled every day. If you want to keep up, sign up for email notifications from the US FDA and the US CPSC. Look for those links in my “Other sites to check out” sidebar item. I hope you enjoy the rest of my blog!

  3. Mine are 17 and 15 and I’m still trying to get there :)

  4. Hey –
    I like your blog = I also have two energetic boys so thanks for sharing your adventures!

  5. Whoops! I think I did something wrong when I tried to inform you of my award nomination of you. I’ll try again:


    I have nominated you for the Awesome Blog Content Award. Information on the “rules” can be found here: http://carrierubin.com/2012/02/28/scaring-your-doctor-from-a-to-z/

    As I’ve alluded to in past award posts, I take no offense if you choose not to participate. I suspect you may actually have a life. But it’s my way of letting you know I enjoy your blog!


    • Well, thank you! This is the second blog award I’m getting in a couple of weeks so I now feel obligated to accept them both and document their reception on my blog. I must have been inspired by the Oscars, even though I didn’t watch the show.

  6. thank you so much for stopping by my blog – i appreciate it! Those children’s drawings on your header are adorable :)

  7. You’ve passed an award on to me, now I’m passing one to you! Details are listed on my latest post!

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